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- Kakarot Monthly News | 31-OCT-2024
Kakarot Monthly News | 31-OCT-2024
kakarot zkevm monthly news recap is here! From now on, we have moved the monthly recap to the end of the month, which was previously released every 20th! because next time we will place ecosystem news as weekly news, so yeah, hopefully this can give you more up-to-date news that covers everything related to kakarot zkevm and the ecosyste 🥕 let's shoot out to the hottes news!

Kakarot zkevm's journey has begun! yeah as we already know, kakarot zkevm has officially moved to starknet sepolia on the 10th OCT 2024, if you haven't know it, you can find out here, and the official announcement here. according to official sources. this moved is the final step before kakarot zkevm will be deployed on starknet mainnet at the end of this year (EOY) possibly in early or mid december this year.
Not only that! with this step, now! starknet builders can start deploying their dapps to kakarot zkevm. it seems like the leading dapps on starknet have started building on kakarot zkevm such as, ekubo, nimbora, vesu and strkfarm, yeah as we know ekubo is one of the leading DEXs on starknet with a current TVL of 61+ million (when this article was published) and of course, there will be more builders to come. and if you are a cairo developer, we invite you to start developing your greatest dApps in kakarot zkevm and start building together🥕

After Kakarot Zkevm announced their private audit several months ago, or to be precise in June, the audit was finally successful and released on the 28th of last month by zellic and alsoThis audit was published by zellic the firm behind LayerZero and Solana audits. You can find the official source/audit here. This audit marks a crucial step towards kakarot zkevm goal of delivering provably secure, scalable solutions. Kakarot zkevm extend kakarot gratitude to all testnet farmers for being with kakarot zkevm on this journey. For the full report, please refer to kakarot zkevm security section.

simultaneously, after the team released an audit that had been audited by zellic. kakarot zkvm also announced their competitive audit with code4rena, with a total reward of $170K, this competitive audit will run for 28 days, starting 28 September to 25 October. yeah! This competitive audit has ended about 5 days ago (when this article was published). You can see this competitive audit and the official source here.

As we know, Elias Tazartes (co-founder, CEO of Kakarot Zekvem) has been a speaker at several events, not only that, Elias has also attended several invited talks such as a podcast discussing about the ZK Rollup. Also, as we know, Elias is also on the list of top 20+ incredible speakers, and yaaa! recently Elias had a great conversation & explained about Kakarot Zkevm on the buildervc podcast, there are lots of exciting talks that you should know, including what makes Kakarot Zkevm special, and what will coming next in kakarot zkevm, also in early 2025 kakarot zkevm MVP will be released. you should know & you can see the official source here and you can also read in the official kakarot zkevm thread here (TLDR)

OG FARMER NFT has Dropped, for those of you who have participated by interacting in the kakarot zkevm ecosystem in the previous testnet phase you are eligible to claim the spirit karrot NFT, yaaa! This is a symbol of your efforts that you have made! with and or in kakarot zkevm. If you have interacted by testing the dApps available on Kakarot Zkevm by swapping on DEX such as Kuririn, Gokuhub or Kakaswap, and lending & borrowing on Zenkai. Also if you are a builder by deploying a contract.
Each NFT has a name and story related to your journey in the previous Kakarot ZKEVM testnet phase. So if you have claimed it don't hesitate to share it on X what you got and let us and more people know about it. So let's check your eligibility here.

About Us : KNEWS is an individual media built by a community that fully supports the development of Kakarot ZkEVM by providing news, education and informations update regarding the kakarot ZkEVM Ecosystem, however we emphasize to all of you that KNEWS does not have an official relationship with the Kakarot Zkevm team, nor do we collaborate with any third party to promote anything else, we also do not create any task/quest or giveaways!